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Things That Annoy Me

I made a post about things that make me happy in the past, which actually did really well, and although I'm a super bubbly person, I am human and there are things that annoy me. So I thought, why don't I make a part II about just that!

I do not want this post to come across as negative in anyway or offend anybody. This is just a bit of fun and is pretty much a chance for me to rant about nonsense.

Things that annoy me:

1. People who Snapchat EVERYTHING. I don't mean people with long stories (that doesn't bother me), I mean people who can't do anything without getting their camera out. What happened to living in the moment? When we're out having a great time and someone does something funny, why does it have to be done 100 times over just to get it on camera for your story? Or why do you feel the need to film yourself when you're literally just walking out a shop.

2. When restaurants run out of pretty much everything but water. I walked into a shop/café for my lunch the other day and had a good look at the menu before ordering. I told the woman what I wanted and she said "sorry we're out of that". I thought fair enough and asked for something else on the menu, "sorry we have none left". I asked for THREE different things on the menu and did they have any? NOPE. Sorry, what? I'm hungry and I'm having to order some random meal I've never thought to try because everything I liked the look of is gone. Frustrating.

3. PDA. I could go on about this for months on end, so I'll try and make this short. OK, you're in love. Congratulations, I'm happy for you. One thing that I'm not happy about though is that I can't go where I want to go because you're too busy standing in my way, eating your boyfriend/girlfriend. Why can't you do that in your own house? Why do you need to be standing in the middle of the road where everyone can see you? It just isn't necessary, is it?

4. Crocs. No explanation needed

5. Being left on read. If I have asked you a question or I'm just feeling friendly and check up on you, why can't you just reply? Fair enough if you've got things to do, I get it, but when you post on your story and I'm here still waiting for an answer 6 hours later, its just a bit insulting to be honest.

6. Flies. Why? What is your purpose? Why must you exist? Why invade my personal space? So many questions.

7. Seagulls.....again, why?

8. Rude people. Basic manners is not optional. Even better, they cost nothing! I'm not saying to go give a random man £200, just say thank you when you get off the bus and please when you order food. When you're running late, let the person/people know. When you can't follow plans through, tell them. Just basic manners people.

9. Overly loud people honestly make me want to cry. I don't get it. There is this thing called social etiquette, that EVEYONE should have. If you're in a quiet area, don't scream. If you're surrounded by children or elderly people, don't start shouting the F bomb every second. Just respect people around you.

10. Boys who don't know how to approach a girl correctly get under my skin. If you want to get a girl's number or snap, don't start yelling "Oi peng ting" or "That ass tho". For one, I'm not a "ting" and two, don't expect me to give you the time of day if you refer to me as one. Its so annoying. Its like they expect you to fall head over heels.

11. Being nagged. Do you ever get told to do something by a teacher or your parents and they then moan at you for not doing it after they asked you about 5.3 seconds ago? I will do it when I can! If you had told me you wanted it done that second, I would have, but didn't. I will do it!

12. When my natural hair won't co-operate

13. People that always have something to say. Those people get to me sooo much. They have no respect for other people and they're just irritating! Always getting involved and always have an opinion nobody needed to hear at that moment in time. *sigh*

Not going to lie but writing all this down was kind of therapeutic! Let me know what annoys you.

Thanks for reading,
Have a great day x


  1. i love this the way i could relate to some of these so bad ����


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