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November Academic Goals

I've had a couple requests to bring these posts back and of course I am all up for that. I wasn't able to have any goals for September/October because the semester just began but I have lots of goals for the month of November. Lets get straight into it!

S E N D   M Y  A S S I G N M E N T   P R O P O S A L S

I have three assignment proposals to write and send to my lecturers this month. I have a couple ideas but I need to choose some final options and get them approved before I can start. I'm actually looking forward to 2/3 of my assignments as they're all analytical and those are my favourite type of assignments to do. I find the analytical side of English fascinating.

S T A R T  G A T H E R I N G   A S S I G N M E N T   D A T A

After my proposals are hopefully accepted, one of the most important stages of my assignment is analysing data, but for that I need to actually have texts.
My goal is to collect all the data I need for my assignments so I can get started with the analysis.

P R E P A R E   F O R   G R O U P   P R E S E N T A T I O N

We have 2 group presentations this month. I'm not a fan of group presentations but what can you do ay? I have already started working on them with the group but we still have lots to do. Wish us luck.

P S Y C H O L O G Y   E X A M    P R E P

My first exam of the year is in a few weeks and I couldn't feel any less prepared for it. There is SO much content and I have no idea how I am going to remember it all for this exam but we'll make it work. I'm probably going to end up in the library everyday for a week just making flashcards. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

So these are my November goals! Let's pray I achieve them.

What are your goals for the month?
Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading,
Have a great day x


  1. Best of luck with your academic proposals! Sounds very exciting and it's always more fun to study what excites you.

    1. Thank you! And definitely. Enjoying content is definitely a good influence on how well you write an assignment or retain information x


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