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Body Image | What Does God Think?

I have been wanting to write another faith post for a while, but I didn't know what I wanted to write about. I prayed about it throughout March, as I really wanted to schedule it for last month, but I didn't hear a thing. Although I was asking God "what should I write about?", I felt like he wasn't responding. That was until today. This morning, I was looking in the mirror and all these negative thoughts started to come into my head. Every flaw and insecurity I have towards my body was all that I could see and instead of standing confident and bold, I was beginning to feel shame. It was at that moment that I knew this was the blog post I needed to make. 

Many people (including myself) have days when they are not feeling their best. Your hair doesn't sit right, you've got another annoying spot on your face, it has been months and there's still no abs. You get the gist. Especially with social media, it is so easy to pick ourselves a part. We get so caught up in our opinion of ourselves and the opinion of others, but what about God's? Our creator sees us in a very different light to how we may see ourselves and ultimately his opinion is the one that truly matters. The bible tells us that we were created in his image (Genesis 1:27) which should tell us how amazing we are. We know God to be powerful and beautiful, so as reflections of him, we should feel the same towards ourselves. 

When I was looking in the mirror this morning, I let the enemy into my mind and began to let my own insecurities overrule what God says about me. How do I know what God says about me? It's in his word. The bible is a mirror that we should be looking to reflect because everything the Lord creates is perfect. Instead of rejecting the gift, which is this body that he continues to keep alive daily, we should have gratitude (1 Timothy 4:4). As I sit here writing this, I actually can't believe how miniscule my thoughts about my body actually are. 

I don't have a super flat stomach and my body bloats frequently. This is something I have always been insecure about but how much does that actually matter? The body is so incredible! This same stomach will one day house a child for 9 months and go through tremendous changes. It will protect my child and be a huge part of bringing life into the world. So what if I don't have abs and sometimes I get rolls and fatty areas. It is so much more than just how it looks. 

I get acne here and there (especially now that I've been stuck in the house with central heating). Sometimes it makes me feel pretty rubbish about myself. However I'm not the only person who has to deal with pimples and blackheads. It's inconvenient but it's not permanent and doesn't take away from my beauty (even if we think it does). 

My point of sharing some of my insecurities is to show you how small they really are. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. At the start of the year, I wrote a list of everything I didn't like about my body and made a plan on how I was going to "fix it". If I'm being honest, that was one of the most stupid ideas I have ever came up with. Not only did it make me lose even more self-esteem, but I was focusing on the wrong things. As Christians, we should be focusing on how we impact the world. We have an assignment, which is to be more like Christ and encourage others to do the same. Would Christ cry himself to sleep because his butt is flat? Would Christ let the enemy allow him to believe he is worthless? Would Christ allow acne to stop him from changing lives? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Jesus isn't perfect because of how he looked, he is perfect because of who he IS and what he DOES. Jesus heals the sick, he teaches lessons, he loved and continues to love everyone. He forgves us when we don't deserve it and calls us to the same standard. We shouldn't focus on how our body looks, but what impression we are going to leave this earth with (1 Samuel 16:7, 1 Peter 3:3-4). One day we are going to leave this mortal body forever and we have 2 places we can go. We need to make sure that we go where we belong, and that is with God forever (Philippians 3:20).

I am challenging myself during this season, to re-direct my focus. Although it is easier said than done, I want to forget about how my body looks and always focus on how my soul looks. Can people see the Jesus in me? Am I representing the Lord well? Am I carrying out my duties as a Christian? We already have so much to do, that there isn't space for "worry about my body" to be added to the list. 

OK, now that I've said all of that, I'm sure you want to know more about what God actually thinks about you. 

Ephesians 2:10 - For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. 
You are a masterpiece created with a purpose 

Psalm 139:14 - "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows well". 
You were made with care and love. God's work is marvelous and your soul truly knows it. If your soul knows it, that means it is the enemy telling you otherwise. 

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.
You are worth death. Jesus died so that you could live. That should tell you how valuable you truly are. 

Luke 12:7 - But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. 
God cares for you so much that he knows every detail about your body. He made everything in this earth and you hold more value than some of those creations.

This post may not necessarily change your whole perspective about your body, but I hope it allows you to see how beautiful you truly are. You are perfect, with all your imperfections. 

I could sit here and write more scriptures and reasons why you should love the body you are in, but I'd be here forever and so would you. For that reason, I am going to end this post with a prayer. 

Father God, first of all I thank you for waking me up this morning. Thank you for continuing to blow air into my lungs and allowing me to see another day. Everyday it is a privilege to live another day, especially with this pandemic happening. Thousands of people are losing their lives but I am grateful that I am able to write this today, healthy and well. Thank you for the person reading this right now. For keeping them safe and protecting them. That in itself is a reason to love our body. We are still here and breathing and it is because of you Lord. Today I let the enemy's devices succeed, making me feel bad about myself and the body you created. I am sorry that I had those thoughts towards something you made with so much love and care. Teach me to see myself the way that you do. 
Lord I pray for the person reading this post. I don't know how they came across it, but I hope it touches them and that they feel your love as they read your word. I pray that they will see themselves through your lens and understand the beauty they have. Let them see that they were worth dying for, that they are worth loving and that they are enough. Whatever insecurities they may have, I pray that they won't let them overrule what you say about them and I pray against the enemy's plans to make them feel inadequate. Everything you create is good. Let us all change our perspectives, so that we may be more like you. In Jesus name, amen. 

I hope this post encouraged you and gave you the opportunity to remember what God thinks about you. To keep the positivity going, let me know in the comments what your favourite thing is about your body.

Thanks for reading,
Have a great day x


  1. What a great post! I think this is an issue most women and girls deal with. It reminded me of Stephen Curtis Chapman's "Fingerprints of God."

    1. Oo I haven't heard of it before. Will have to check it out.
      Thank you for reading Cassie


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