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April Round-Up 2020

Hey guys! Welcome or welcome back. Today we have another monthly round-up. With everything going on right now, I haven't had the world's most interesting month, however I want life to feel as normal as possible. That includes publishing my monthly round-up of what I got up to, even if it wasn't much. So, without further ado, let's get into it.

O U T F I T   C H A L L E N G E

My friends and I always seem to find outfits we think would suit each other, so I thought we could do a fun challenge whilst in lock-down and online shop for full outfits for one another. I got the idea from YouTube, however instead of purchasing the outfits to try on in front of each other, we decided to screenshot the items and put it on a power-point presentation. We all took it in turns over video call to present each outfit and explain our choices. To make it even more fun, we chose outfits for different categories, such as going to the airport, a night out, and out of our comfort zone. It was so much fun and I actually added some of the items they picked for me, to my Shoptagr.

L O T S   O F   O N L I N E  S H O P P I N G

Before this lock-down, I was really good with my money and definitely knew my limits. Somehow quarantine brought out my inner impulsive buyer and I've just been endlessly online shopping. A lot of the time I put tons in my cart but end up not going through with the transaction, so I guess my usual self is still lingering around trying to be responsible, but I've definitely bought too many things and don't see that changing anytime soon. I ordered some clothes from I saw it first and the parcel came today. I love everything I got, so guess who is probably going to make another order? Guilty.

N E W   P H O N E

I was waaay overdue an upgrade and being at home gave me the chance to actually sit down and order a new one. I got the iPhone XS in gold and I'm loving it. I was a bit scared to go back to Apple gang but honestly I don't regret it so far. I was team Android through and through, after having loads of problems with Apple previously, so I was hesitant to try an iPhone again. In the end, I thought why not because I wanted a change. I'm really enjoying it so far and I hope I love it just as much all through my contract haha.

F A C E - T I M E   M O V I E   N I G H T S

On Wednesday's the girls and I have a Netflix party over Face-time. We specifically watch really bad or "roastable" movies just to have a little laugh. We find it so entertaining to sit through these awful films that Netflix seem to think are good enough to have on their platform. I will never understand, but I'm thankful either way. I highly recommend SPF-18 and After if you want to watch some bad movies.

L O T S   O F   U N I    W O R K

This month, despite the circumstances, I've been kept busy with uni work. With the exception of one assignment, everything was due for April, so I've definitely had lots to do this month. I was going to do an April academic goals post, but by the time I had remembered, we were already too far into the month and two had been submitted. This month has felt like 5 seconds long, which is surprising because you'd expect time to feel slower staying at home.

H O M E   W O R K - O U T S

I'm not a gym gal, although I definitely wish I was. I don't know what it is but the idea of going to the gym really intimidates me. My plan back in February was to join in May because that was when my summer was due to start, after uni. Obviously now that isn't possible, however I've started doing home work-outs and it's been really good. Despite being a dancer, I'm pretty unfit, so the beginning was super difficult, however my body seems to be getting used to it. My form still isn't great but definitely improving. I started because I wanted to tone everything up but honestly that goal has kind of been pushed back now. I enjoy them just to focus my mind on something positive and I feel myself getting stronger.

So this is pretty much the gist of April. I really am baffled at how quickly it has come and gone, but let's pray May is a good month.

What things have you guys been doing at home this month? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading,
Have a great day x


  1. Despite everything that's been going on, April seems to have flown by for me too. Love the Facetime movie nights, I'll have to try that! :)

  2. Couldn't agree more with 'lots of uni work' and 'lots of online shopping' - that seems to be my whole life atm haha!!

    Roni ♡

    1. Honestly! Definitely been keeping me occupied x

  3. Ahh loved your post such fun ideas!!

  4. Online shopping is deffs the only thing keeping me occupied right now hahaha!

    1. Our bank accounts are crying but it's OK haha x


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