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Let Go and Let God

During this time of self-isolation, God has been revealing so much to me about my life and my character. At the start of lock-down I prayed to God and asked him to change me, so that I would leave a different person to how I was when all this started. It is so important to regularly evaluate yourself and make the necessary improvements so that as Christians we look more like Christ. Even if you're not a Christian, self evaluation and improvement is important. Change is good and everyone should aspire to grow. One thing God has been really showing me is how important it is to let go. I knew this prior to the lock-down and one of my goals for 2020 is to 'Let go and Let God'. I've always been someone who worries and stresses but I made it a goal this year to change that. God works in mysterious ways and I had no idea that He was going to use quarantine as a way to help me achieve so many goals. Today I thought I would share some of the things God has shown me about letting go. 
I guess the first thing I should discuss is the basics of letting go. When it comes to letting go, sometimes you have to ask yourself necessary questions. 

What should I let go of? 

The first thing you should think about is WHAT you should let go of. Is it toxic relationships? Bad habits? Unforgiveness/bitterness? Doubt/worry? The best way to know what you should let go of is to ask God. Go to the Lord in prayer and ask him to reveal what He believes you should let go of (Job 22:27). You will find that the Holy Spirit will expose the things you should let go of. How do you know when God is talking to you? Well, God speaks in many ways. Through conviction, signs, dreams, and even other people. Perhaps someone will tell you that you need to let go, and that is God speaking through them. Be open to hearing God's voice in many ways, because you don't want to miss him. For me, God spoke through particular songs, personal conviction and whilst reading his word. 

When should I let go?

Again, that can be determined through communication with God. If you feel an urge or pricking to let go of something, you know that God wants this to be an immediate change. However, always take it to the Lord in prayer. He may be calling you to leave your job or church, but that does not mean He wants this to be immediate. God has a plan and His timing is important. Always go by God's timing and not your own. One thing I have learnt is that, God uses difficult situations to help us grow. It may be a case that He wants to teach you something or introduce new character traits through a situation or relationship, before you must let go. 

Why should I let go? 

When God wants you to let go of something, it is because he is protecting you from something you cannot see, or he has something better. Sometimes God calls us to let go of things that our flesh desires (that being our physical self), but our spirit cannot hold onto it. It is not always easy to let go. Sometimes God will push you to let go of the church you attend because your assignment is elsewhere, but you LOVE your church and cannot see why you need to leave. Perhaps God is pushing you to let go of relationships because where you are going, they cannot go too. He may even call you to leave your well-paid job for a job that doesn't pay as much, but there are many other blessings within that path. Whatever the reason, it will always be for a good one (Jeremiah 29:11). 

So, now that you know what you need to let go of, when you need to let go and why you need to let go, you are left with the BIG do I let go? 

Like I said, letting go can be difficult and it may not happen straight away. You may end up in a cycle of trying and failing but it is important to keep trying. 

The fear of the unknown can stop us from letting go. We've all been in that position at some point when we pretend not to see the signs, because we're scared of what is on the other side. It is important to remember that God is a good God and will never leave you empty; he will always provide (Matthew 6:26).  When we allow doubt to creep in, communicate it with God. He wants to hear about your thoughts (1 Peter 5:7). 

Sometimes we forget that in life we go through many seasons and it can be dangerous to allow ourselves to become too comfortable. Ecclesiastes 3 shows us how everything has a time attached to it. Nothing on this earth is permanent, so don't get too comfortable in the season you're currently settled in. See, sometimes things don't have to be broken in order to throw it away, sometimes it just doesn't serve purpose in your life anymore. God doesn't always cause a storm to get us to leave, sometimes we just require faith. We have to trust God's plans and where he is going to take us. That's a lot easier said than done, however we see countless times in the Bible where God was a way maker in miraculous ways, so why do we not believe he can do the same for us today? (Revelation 1:8). The same God who used betrayal as a catalyst to the palace, a virgin to birth a messiah, a stone to defeat a giant and mud and Silvia to cure a blind man, will get you through your trials.  

To let go and let God, is surrendering your own plans and putting them into the hands of the Father. It's choosing to pick up your cross and follow Jesus (Matthew 16:24). Picking up your cross is never easy, but if Jesus could do it and lay on it for you, God will get you through too. You may relapse, you may try to run back but if there is one of many things Peter taught us, it is to never take your eyes of Jesus. The minute you lose focus on Him, is when you begin to sink. 

Whatever it is that you need to Let go of, give it to the Lord. He takes away to release, replace or restore. To release any spirit not of him, whether that be fear, envy, pride etc. He takes away to replace it with something better. He takes away to restore what was broken within you. To heal a broken heart, self-esteem, passion, health etc. God will never let you run dry. 

Here is a prayer for anyone who is currently trying to Let go:

Father in the name of Jesus, I give you all the praise, honour and glory. Thank you for being a good God. For seeing the things in our lives that need refurbishing. For always being on our side and never leaving us to run dry. Sometimes when you tell us to let go, we panic and we begin to doubt. Lord I ask for forgiveness and mercy for the times when I didn't trust you. For the times when I allowed the lies of the enemy to cause fear and anxiety. This year we have seen so much change and uncertainty. Let every person reading this choose to trust you and finally let go. Let go of any form of toxicity that the enemy wants to use to stop them leaving the doors you shut. I come before you to lift up your son/daughter. Guide them to the right path and out of the darkness. I pray for peace over every reader, In Jesus name. Give them strength and courage to step out in faith and give all their worries to you. Let this be their testimony, to show your glory. Amen. 

Thanks for reading,
Have a great day x


  1. Thank you for sharing! "Let Go and Let God" is such a powerful thing to live by.

  2. This is such a powerful and inspirational post, thank you for sharing!

  3. This is so encouraging. Thank you so much for sharing all about letting go. I can name a number of things that He is impressing me to let go of.

    1. Thank you for reading! I pray that he will give you the strength to do so

  4. Rat is absolutely beautiful. My dad used to always tell me to Let Go and Let God. I needed to read this. Thank you.

  5. This is such a beautifully written post at the best possible time. Thanks so much for sharing this when I needed it most!
    xo Bri

  6. It’s great you’ve been able to rely on your faith during this difficult time, and you clearly have a strong foundation. Lovely post!

    Anika |

    1. Definitely how I get through life. Thank you for reading Anika!


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