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Dear 25 Year Old Self

When I started this blog, I was 16 and one of the first posts I remember being really proud of writing was a letter to my 12 year old self. I re-read that post recently and was inspired to write one for the future me. If there is any good time to do it, it's during a period where the whole world is forced to stop and humble themselves. I've had a lot of time to really thank God for the way he has built my life and it makes me look forward to blessings yet to come. Since my previous letter was to myself 5 years in the past, it made sense to make this one 5 years into the future. So, here we go.
Hey Rochelle, how are you? I hope you're doing well. Five years seems so far away, yet I bet you remember being 20 like it was yesterday. We're currently stuck in a pandemic, which is a bizarre time for the world but in a strange way lock-down has been so good for us. I hope you're still reaping the benefits of this season and you don't remember 2020 for negative reasons. I wonder what life is like for you now. I have a strong feeling that life will never be the same.

There are so many questions that I want to ask. How's the family? I've been praying for a certain thing to happen and I really hope God has come through. His timing is always perfect, but of course I hope it has happened within these 5 years. If so, I hope you're smiling from ear to ear. If not, pray without ceasing because he'll come through. He always does. As you know, this pandemic has given you the opportunity to seek God like never before and he has given you even more joy than you thought possible, during a difficult time. I really hope your fire for him continues to burn bright everyday. Today I watched Pastor Mike Todd's sermon about ripping up your list and I hope you're content with the season God has you in. Even if you feel under pressure, remember that God is making a diamond. He'll never allow you to endure something you can't overcome. Be still and know he's working everything out for your good.

Are you still single? At 16 we planned to be married by 24 but since we're ripping up lists now, I guess that doesn't matter. I don't know if you're with someone or still waiting for God's timing, however I hope you're using your season of singleness or your relationship to glorify God. If you are with someone, I hope he is everything you need and he's treating you as he should. Equally, I hope you are doing the same.

Oo, how is work going? By now, I'm guessing you're a fully trained teacher and you're pretty busy. It's so odd not knowing how things are going to turn out, but I'm writing to the version of me that does. Hope the kids don't make life too difficult for you and you're somewhere you love. We just had our final year modules come through and it's crazy to me that I'm going into my last year already. Having a half experience of second year has made me realise how much I am going to miss university life.

How are the Constantinas? Still going strong? I really hope so. I hope you're still scheduling your Nando's dates and talking for way too long. I hope you don't let life get too busy and you are still stuck like glue. This has been the longest I've gone without seeing them and it's so odd. Give them as many hugs as possible, to make up for this time. Any God-children yet? I don't know, 25 seems like prime pregnancy age. If so, I know you're the cool aunt that plans the best play dates.

I've currently got the travel bug and it's so disappointing that I'm not able to go on all the holiday's I planned for this summer. Have you ticked more places off your bucket list? Where have you been? I bet you've seen some beautiful places. Take lots of pictures because one thing I can never seem to remember is to document my experiences. Hopefully at 25 I've got that one down.

Whether you've achieved your goals and aspirations or not, I just hope you're happy. I hope you're living your life purpose and still working hard. I hope you still take the time to be thankful for all those little blessings in life and enjoying where God is taking you.


  1. I absolutely love this. I've found it difficult to write to my future self. As I tend to overthink it. But this was so simple, yet so heartfelt and encouraging. Thank you for sharing and inspiring us all. I need to hurry up and write a letter to my future self, she would definitely appreciate it.


    1. I've found that the easiest way to do it is to ask questions and hopefully your future self will be able to answer them. Thank you for reading! x


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