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Holiday Prep: Florida

I'm super excited about this post!! Not long left until I fly to Florida. By the time this post is published, I will be on my way to the airport in about 6 hours. Every year, I go to Orlando with my family and I'm super excited to go back. I've had this post planned for months now, so I'm glad I finally get to share it with you all.
Recently I have been obsessed with watching holiday prep vlogs. If you've never watched one before, it's basically just a chilled follow me around style vlog, where girls do a bunch of stuff in prepararion for their holiday. I wanted to do a blog post version, showing some of the things I did to get ready for my vacay. So without further ado, here we goooo.

S H O P P I N G | Friday 9th 
I left my holiday shopping quite late this year. Stores usually bring in their autumn stock at the beginning of August (which makes no sense), so I probably should have done it in July. To be fair, this is the latest my family will have booked for a summer holiday, so I'm used to shopping in July and thought summer stock would still be in shops at this time, but I guess not. I did a bit of online shopping whilst I was sick with mumps. There isn't much to do when you're in quarantine so it gave me some time to shop around. I ordered a few pieces from Boohoo, Nasty Gal and PLT. I still had lots of things I wanted though, so on August 9th I went to the world's biggest Primark in Birmingham, with my best friend. She offered to help me with fashion choices and we had so much fun pretending to be fashion experts LOOOL. For real though, I'm so grateful for Robyn's help. I would have been so overwhelmed doing it all by myself. Like I said, it was a bit of a struggle doing holiday shopping when we were surrounded by coats and jumpers. @PRIMARK SORT IT OUT PLEASE???

S H O P P I N G | Thursday 15th
I did another shopping trip on Thursday 15th August to get the final bits and bobs. There were two or three clothing pieces I didn't get a chance to purchase during my other shop, and then some little things I needed to get like sun-cream, aloe vera, razors etc

H O L L Y W O O D  W A X | Monday 19th 
On Monday I stepped out my comfort zone and got my first Hollywood wax! I've never had a wax before so I really jumped into the deep end. If you don't know what a Hollywood wax is, it's basically the same as what Americans identify as a Brazilian wax. Leaving absolutely no hair at the front or back.
I thought I was going to scream/cry my way through it but it honestly wasn't as bad as I expected. It was painful but definitely bearable. I had seen reviews of people comparing it to childbirth or torture but that wasn't my experience. I'm definitely not going to lie and say it was a breeze but it wasn't this torturous event I was expecting.

I got it done because I am SO sick of shaving downstairs. My hair grows back so quickly and I literally have to use hair removal products or razors every 2 days for holidays, so I jumped at the opportunity to get out my comfort zone and so far so good. I'm excited to ACTUALLY feel confident in swimwear for once.

G E T T I N G   B R A I D S | Tuesday 20th 

I usually have extensions in but I hate having them on holiday when it's really humid, as my hair is curly and therefore such a hassle in heat and in contact with water. Florida has some of the best water parks so I didn't want to have the hassle of taking care of my hair everyday, so I got braids. Braids are so much easier to maintain on holiday! I got them longer than usual and I'm so into it. Inches babyyyy *Rickey T style*

P A M P E R  D A Y | Thursday 22nd 

I like to have nice glowy skin on holiday, so it looks good even when I don't wear any makeup. Of course I try to achieve that even without a holiday coming up but sometimes taking those extra steps before a trip can get you in the holiday mood. For that reason I spent a few hours pampering myself. I did a couple face masks, had a nice bath and gave myself a pedicure. It was nice to take some time for myself throughout the day whilst I packed and sorted things out.

L A S H   E X T E N S I O N S | Friday 23rd 

The last step to holiday preparations was getting my eyelashes done. I got a new set by the lovely Chloe (coco__lashes on Instagram) and i'm so happy with them. I feel like it was the final stage to feeling completely holiday ready.  It's going to be so nice to feel put together even when I've made absolutely no effort. I don't like to wear too much makeup in the day-time because it's stupidly hot and honestly my pores would CRY. So I'm thankful that I have beautiful lashes to make myself feel a bit more glam, even with the bare minimum of makeup on.

Let me know in the comments what your favourite part of holiday preparations is.

Thanks for reading,
Have a great day x


  1. Have tons of fun! I've never been to Florida but I so badly want to go, especially Orlando (Disney World!) and Miami (beaches!)

    Hannah the Mad Dog

    1. It's so beautiful! Definitely bucket list worthy x

  2. I love this follow-me around style post! Have fun on your trip! (:

    Erika Marie |

  3. Looks like you've got your bases covered - There's something SO exciting about holiday prep as the anticipation builds, isn't there?

    1. Definitely! I always look forward to getting ready for a trip x


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