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February Round-Up

This month has been quite odd. It's been full of ups and downs. I've had some highs and a lot of lows but we're not going to focus too much on the lows. If you follow me on Instagram, you'll already know about that. I want to highlight the good parts of this month. February has gone so slow yet so quickly all at once. Here are some of my highlights.

A U   B A L L      |

At the beginning of the month I went to my first Athletics Union Ball with my dance team. I had so much fun and published a Get Ready With Me post for the night. I had a prom in year 11 but I really wanted to go to a proper ball at some point in my life and I'm glad I got to tick that off my bucket list this month.
The After-party was also so much fun. It was great to just dance with everyone and enjoy myself.

B E N I D O R M      |

I went on a short break to Benidorm with my family. It was my brother's birthday a few days prior, so we celebrated it in Spain. I was feeling super anxious and stressed at this point, so the holiday was a good way to ease and clear my mind a little bit. I really valued that time with my family and a bit of vitamin D always helps to brighten your mood.
I definitely would have enjoyed it a lot more, had my mind been in a good place, however it was still a fun trip.

B E I N G  S I C K     |

Although I said I wanted this post to be more positive, I still want it to be real. I had managed to get ill YET AGAIN this month. For some reason my immune system has been so weak lately and I get sick much more often than I used to. I definitely need to look after myself more. I missed a week of lectures and a dance rehearsal, which kind of sucked but I was pretty much OK by the time I got back from Spain. I got ill 2 days before I was due to fly out so of course part of me was worried I wouldn't be able to go. But God pulled through and I wasn't too bad. Just tissues and coughs.

D A N C E   R E H E A R S A L S      |

This has definitely been the month for dance. I haven't danced this much in years. Back in September I decided to try Hip-Hop. It's one of those styles that I did a couple workshops for but never really consistently attended classes. It's definitely out of my comfort zone, but I wanted to challenge myself. I've always stuck to my bubble of contemporary/lyrical. If I wasn't out of my comfort zone enough, I then decided to audition for the competition team. At first I wasn't going to because I didn't think I would be good enough to help our university win, but then I changed my mind and thought why not. I want to become more of a 'YES' person, so I made this my first YES. I was actually so surprised I even got in because although I had practiced a lot, when it came to confidence it was a 'fake it til you make it' situation. I was bricking it. Now months later we've been rehearsing like crazy. I'm surprised I can even type this because my arms feel so stiff. I feel like my entire life has just been dance this month. Even when I was told to rest up when I was ill, I was dancing in my hotel room.

Y O U T H   T A K E - O V E R      |

At my church we have this thing called Youth Take-Over. I go to a very diverse church in terms of age, which is nice because my most previous churches weren't like that. At the end of every month the youth control the service. From the prayers to the worship to the sermon. This is only the second one in our location and I had the opportunity to be a part of it. Again, dance. See, this month has been all about dance haha. I got to do my first ever praise dance in front of my church. It went really well and the service was fire. I'm so excited about the next one.

U N I  W O R K     |

Uni.... BOOOOOO. All I can say is second semester is NO JOKE. Whoever said first year is easier than A-levels is a big fat liar. It has been pretty hard to keep on top of work with everything that has gone on this month. Dancing, mental health struggles, physical health struggles etc. I had to take my laptop with me on holiday just to make sure I didn't fall behind. Sadly that didn't work and I still fell behind, despite the efforts made to stay on top of things. I swear missing ONE lecture is like missing a whole semester. The one lecture I missed whilst on holiday was the most vital one to be at. Just my luck really. It was all about our assignment and basically how to do it. That has made doing this assignment 10x more difficult for me. Of course I've tried to get help but I'm still so lost. My assignment is due in 3 days and I'm not even close to being finished. Stay tuned for March to find out if I made it.

So those were the highlights of my whirlwind month. If I could sum February up in 3 words, they would be
  • Busy 
  • Challenging 
  • Tiring 
Despite the struggles, it is only 2 months into the year and I have so many more days left of 2019 that will make these struggles seem insignificant. I have all the faith that I'll defeat these problems and the problems won't defeat me. 

How has this month been for you? What was your biggest highlight of February? 

Thanks for reading,
Have a great day x 


  1. It is great that you had fun at the Athletics Union Ball! Oooh, the Bendiorm trip sounded exciting. It is a bummer that you were sick, but at least you're better now? Hope you'll have an exciting March!

    Nancy ♥

    1. Thank you Nancy! I'm definitely feeling better now. March is a jam packed month so I'm already excited to share that with you all! Xx

  2. I'm sorry to hear February didn't treat you so well! It sounds like you had a lovely time in Benidorm though. I hope March is a month full of love and happiness xx

    Lauren |

    1. Thank you Lauren <3 I hope so too. I hope you have a great month xx


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