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Answering Assumptions About Me

Welcome or welcome back! For today's post, I wanted to do something fun and light-hearted. These type of posts tend to do pretty well on my blog and it's nice to write something that doesn't require too much effort sometimes. As you can tell from the title, I am going to be responding to some assumptions people have about me. This is really popular on YouTube and I wanted to get on board with it. It's a good way to feed my curiosity and also for my readers to get to know me better.

All the assumptions were taken from people over YOLO (an anonymous app linked to Snapchat) and Instagram. If you want to get involved in future posts like this, make sure to follow my Instagram.
I'm excited to answer these, so if you want to read my responses, just keeping reading :)

1) "Robyn is your best friend and she is so funny"

- Funny enough I knew this was going to be the first one. Yes you're my best friend and no you're not funny.

2) "You have your whole life planned and know exactly what you want to achieve"

- I definitely have goals and aspirations but if there is one thing I've already learnt in these 20-years of life, it's that it never goes to plan and God has other ideas a lot of the time. I definitely have my own ideas of things I want to do and where I want to be, but these days I leave God to handle the details.

3) "You are very positive all the time no matter what - no bad days"

- I actually got this one a couple of times, in different variations. First of all, thanks for thinking I'm positive, I really appreciate it. I try to be as positive as possible but that isn't always the case, as much as I wish it was. I overthink sometimes and I used to be the biggest stress-head. I'm a lot more chill now thank goodness. I've learnt to see the good in bad situations, but like everyone else I have bad days too.

4) "You're comfortable in your own skin"

- I actually did a little Snapchat Ted-talk about this after I got this one but didn't know I had this assumption. I chose not to read them until now. I'm definitely comfortable in my own skin, especially in the sense that I'm grateful for it and I wouldn't want to look like anyone else. When I was younger (around 14/15 years-old), I used to have breakdowns about how I looked and wanted to be anyone else but me. I get really upset when I think about that. Over the years I've really learnt to love myself and I'm so happy looking like me. I still have days when I'm not feeling my best and I wish I was more lean or my skin was more clear, but not to the point where I wish I didn't have my body at all. I used to think I was super unlike-able because I was never the "picked" one in my friendship group, but now I obviously recognise that people have preferences and I'm beautiful in my own right.

5) "You can motivate yourself really easy"

- Most days yes but it would be a lie for me to say all the time. I'm a hard-worker and like I said I have many aspirations, so I that keeps me motivated. Sometimes you just have to remind yourself of your why, to get going. I do have my lazy days though. About 2 weeks ago I planned a day to revise for an exam and ended up opening the document, immediately closing it after reading the first sentence and then watched Netflix for 5 yeah not all the time lol.

6) "You trained in hip-hop"

- Oo this is an interesting one. I actually didn't, I trained in contemporary. Hard to believe considering I'm pretty rubbish at it now. My technique leaped out the window when I took 2 years out from dancing. When I tried to get back into it at uni, it just wasn't happening. I did a hip-hop taster session in my first year just to get out my comfort zone and stuck with it. Before that, I had only done one off workshops.

7) "You are a very laid-back person"

- I would say so yeah. I can spark a conversation with anybody and I like to think I make a decent impression. I'm pretty observant but I don't take life too seriously.

8) "Your very reserved but have a crazy side"

- This one is pretty similar to the previous one but I thought I would answer it anyway. This is definitely true. I was always quite a shy girl and I feel like some parts of that has stuck with me. I'm definitely more confident now but I'm reserved and quite 'to myself' a lot of the time. However, anybody that KNOWS me, know that I'm the biggest weirdo and I honestly do worry myself sometimes. That isn't even me trying to be one of those 'haha I'm so goofy' girls,  on some occasions I genuinely question how I have friends but then I remember they're just as strange and it makes sense.

9) "You are really smart and get good grades"

- Aw thanks for that - huge compliment! I'm definitely not naturally clever, I just work really hard. So I wouldn't say I'm really smart but I do get decent grades. I say decent because I don't always get firsts but I've never gotten anything below a 2:1, which I'm proud of (lol watch that change once this goes up - sociolinguistics I'm looking at you kiddo).

10) "You have a small circle of friends but you are all very close"

This is definitely true! Since being at uni, I've made friends in different places like dance, my course, living in the same building in first year, even from nights out but I have a small group of close friends that I ADORE. We've been friends for almost 10 years! Of course I love all my friends, but I think everyone has those people that are more like family than friends and can't imagine life without them.

11) "You're single"

- Couldn't be more LOL. Nah I love it really. As much as I would like someone to cuddle with and all that jazz, I'm so happy being single right now. I'm out of failed talking stages.

12) "You're very independent"

- This is a tough one to answer because yes and no. I know how to look after myself and I enjoy my own company but I also love having my parents do things for me. When I'm sick, I want sympathy and love - anyone else? I can cook to survive but I'm no master-chef, and if I'm honest my mum still books my doctors appointments. I'm not in a position where I'd be clueless if I was to permanently move out tomorrow, but I'm not ready to do everything myself just yet. I hope that makes sense haha.

So those are all the assumptions I got. I had fun answering them and I hope some of you have gotten to know me a little better.

Let me know in the comments, one random fact about you so that I can get to know my readers too.

Thanks for reading,
Have a great day x


  1. That's what we're playing at my recent trip in
    the hostel in Ubud, so funny...

  2. This is a really good post! I like how you are letting us know more about you!

  3. Love your post. Letting your audience get to know more about you!

    1. I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for reading

  4. So, my response is VERY random. So, when people speak to me and I don't respond, they assume I am ignoring them. But, I am deaf in one ear and my good ear gets a little tired sometimes and takes a break. So, I don't hear them. I do let people know and they assume all hard of hearing or deaf people wear hearing aids. I probably should, but I don't. This was fun to read and cute. I think I may do something similar. thanks for sharing.

    1. That must be difficult sometimes. Thanks for sharing that with me! If you do your own, definitely let me know so I can have a read.


I love hearing from you guys so feel free to comment. Even if it's just to say hi ;)