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What's happening on this blog this summer? (Day 6)

As you guys know, I am planning to blog everyday (for the most part) during the summer. I have already started and I've managed to keep up with it so far, however summer is 12 weeks long, therefore there may be days when I am out of creative ideas. This is where you guys come in. I would like you to send me requests that you would like to see. I will add them to my list and try to do them all.

Although I do feel that I may run out of ideas towards the end of the summer, I do have many ideas already, which should cover a good 6 weeks!

One of the ideas that I have is to document what I eat each day during my vegetarian challenge. I am challenging myself to be vegetarian for one week during the summer. I plan to cook my own meals and eat only vegetarian approved snacks. I feel that it will be tough however I am curious to know what vegetarian meals taste like. I've seen many pictures of both vegetarian and vegan recipes, which look very appealing to me, so I would love to try and make them. I will take pictures of the meals that I make and write short summaries on how I found them. At the end of each day I will state which snacks I recommend.

I am planning to vlog both the day before prom and the actual day. I am a little nervous as I have never vlogged before, however I do have a snapchat, which apparently people actually love watching. It's weird because I forget that anybody watches or looks at my snapchats sometimes. It's only because more people have been adding me that I realise that people actually see them. Hopefully people will love the two prom vlogs as much as they enjoy my snapchats.

I am attending NCS this year which is a summer camp kind of scheme for 15-17 year olds around the UK. I will be going to Scotland for the first time, whilst on this trip, so I will make sure to post my experience, as well as lots of pictures.

My friends and I have a squad bucket list that we want to complete, which I will post pictures of. I also have my own bucket list, which I can take pictures of when they're completed and write about what I did. We are definitely going to see Finding Dory, so I may try to write my review on the movie (without spoilers of course).

I got a wreck this journal last summer, but I didn't do many pages at all. I did about 5 in total. This year my aim is to finish the whole journal completely. I may post pictures or do talk through videos of each page that I complete.

I love to cook and bake, so I definitely want to post recipes and try out Pinterest food DIYs. I will post lots of pictures of the things that I make. If I do any with friends, I may film the process too. as our squad gatherings are always hilarious.

These are just a few things that I want to blog about during my daily blogging. I hope that you guys can also come up with ideas that you would WANT to read and watch. I am thinking about expanding to videos too as I have been asked many times to make a YouTube channel or post videos on my blog. Let me know of any videos or challenges you want me to do.

I am yet to save up for a proper camera, so all my videos and vlogs will be done on my phone until I get one.

Thanks for reading!

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